Package sulley :: Module blocks :: Class size
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Class size

This block type is kind of special in that it is a hybrid between a block and a primitive (it can be fuzzed). The user does not need to be wary of this fact.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, block_name, request, length, endian, format, inclusive, signed, math, fuzzable, name)
Create a sizer block bound to the block with the specified name.
Boolean mutate(self)
Wrap the mutation routine of the internal bit_field primitive.
Integer num_mutations(self)
Wrap the num_mutations routine of the internal bit_field primitive.
Render the sizer.
Wrap the reset routine of the internal bit_field primitive.

Method Details

__init__(self, block_name, request, length=4, endian='<', format='binary', inclusive=False, signed=False, math=None, fuzzable=False, name=None)

Create a sizer block bound to the block with the specified name. You *can not* create a sizer for any currently open blocks.
block_name - Name of block to apply sizer to
request - Request this block belongs to
length - (Optional, def=4) Length of sizer
endian - (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
format - (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii"
inclusive - (Optional, def=False) Should the sizer count its own length?
signed - (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii")
math - (Optional, def=None) Apply the mathematical operations defined in this function to the size
fuzzable - (Optional, def=False) Enable/disable fuzzing of this sizer
name - Name of this sizer field


Wrap the mutation routine of the internal bit_field primitive.
True on success, False otherwise.


Wrap the num_mutations routine of the internal bit_field primitive.
Number of mutated forms this primitive can take.


Render the sizer.


Wrap the reset routine of the internal bit_field primitive.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Fri Jul 27 17:40:03 2007