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Package sulley :: Module blocks :: Class request |
--+ |node
--+ | request
Method Summary | |
Top level container instantiated by s_initialize(). | |
| |
Integer |
Determine the number of repetitions we will be making. |
The last open block was closed, so pop it off of the block stack. | |
Push an item into the block structure. | |
| |
Reset every block and primitives mutant state under this request. | |
Sulley Primitives |
Recursively walk through and yield every primitive and block on the request stack. |
Inherited from node | |
String |
Render a node description suitable for use in a GML file using the set internal attributes. |
pydot.Node |
Render a node suitable for use in a Pydot graph using the set internal attributes. |
String |
Render a node description suitable for use in a uDraw file using the set internal attributes. |
String |
Render a node update description suitable for use in a uDraw file using the set internal attributes. |
Inherited from object | |
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name | |
x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name | |
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x) | |
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T | |
helper for pickle | |
helper for pickle | |
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) | |
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value | |
x.__str__() <==> str(x) |
Class Variable Summary | |
Inherited from node | |
int |
border_color = 15658734 |
int |
color = 15661055 |
float |
gml_height = 0.0 |
float |
gml_line_width = 1.0 |
str |
gml_pattern = '1'
int |
gml_stipple = 1 |
str |
gml_type = 'rectangle'
float |
gml_width = 0.0 |
float |
gml_width_shape = 1.0 |
int |
id = 0 |
str |
label = ''
int |
number = 0 |
str |
shape = 'box'
NoneType |
udraw_image = None |
str |
udraw_info = ''
Method Details |
Top level container instantiated by s_initialize(). Can hold any
block structure or primitive. This can essentially be thought of as a
super-block, root-block, daddy-block or whatever other alias you
num_mutations(self)Determine the number of repetitions we will be making.
pop(self)The last open block was closed, so pop it off of the block stack. |
push(self, item)Push an item into the block structure. If no block is open, the item goes onto the request stack. otherwise, the item goes onto the last open blocks stack. |
reset(self)Reset every block and primitives mutant state under this request. |
walk(self, stack=None)Recursively walk through and yield every primitive and block on the request stack.
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Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Fri Jul 27 17:40:03 2007 | http://epydoc.sf.net |