Package sulley :: Module blocks :: Class request
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Type request

object --+    
      node --+

Method Summary
  __init__(self, name)
Top level container instantiated by s_initialize().
Integer num_mutations(self)
Determine the number of repetitions we will be making.
The last open block was closed, so pop it off of the block stack.
  push(self, item)
Push an item into the block structure.
Reset every block and primitives mutant state under this request.
Sulley Primitives walk(self, stack)
Recursively walk through and yield every primitive and block on the request stack.
    Inherited from node
String render_node_gml(self, graph)
Render a node description suitable for use in a GML file using the set internal attributes.
pydot.Node render_node_graphviz(self, graph)
Render a node suitable for use in a Pydot graph using the set internal attributes.
String render_node_udraw(self, graph)
Render a node description suitable for use in a uDraw file using the set internal attributes.
String render_node_udraw_update(self)
Render a node update description suitable for use in a uDraw file using the set internal attributes.
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Class Variable Summary
    Inherited from node
int border_color = 15658734                                                              
int color = 15661055                                                              
float gml_height = 0.0                                                                   
float gml_line_width = 1.0                                                                   
str gml_pattern = '1'
int gml_stipple = 1                                                                     
str gml_type = 'rectangle'
float gml_width = 0.0                                                                   
float gml_width_shape = 1.0                                                                   
int id = 0                                                                     
str label = ''
int number = 0                                                                     
str shape = 'box'
NoneType udraw_image = None                                                                  
str udraw_info = ''

Method Details

__init__(self, name)

Top level container instantiated by s_initialize(). Can hold any block structure or primitive. This can essentially be thought of as a super-block, root-block, daddy-block or whatever other alias you prefer.
name - Name of this request


Determine the number of repetitions we will be making.
Number of mutated forms this primitive can take.


The last open block was closed, so pop it off of the block stack.

push(self, item)

Push an item into the block structure. If no block is open, the item goes onto the request stack. otherwise, the item goes onto the last open blocks stack.


Reset every block and primitives mutant state under this request.

walk(self, stack=None)

Recursively walk through and yield every primitive and block on the request stack.
Sulley Primitives
           (type=Sulley Primitives)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Fri Jul 27 17:40:03 2007